A phobia is an overwhelming, debilitating, and extreme fear of something. It could be any number of things that people have phobias of, but the key difference between a phobia and fear is the magnitude of the problem. Many people have the impression that phobias are an uncommon condition in the United States, but that’s not actually true. Studies estimate that nearly 20 million Americans have one or more phobias, so the chances are that you know someone who is afflicted by one. If you’re suffering from a phobia yourself, it might be something that hardly ever comes up, but it could also be something that’s affecting your everyday life. At Emily K Hypnosis in Yakima, we provide a hypnosis service with a focus on overcoming phobias, and we’re confident that we’ll be able to get you sorted out. Uncover more information about our phobia-focused virtual hypnosis service by reading on below. To schedule in an appointment, speak to our customer service representatives.
Root Triggers
For the most part, people have phobias for a reason. There’s usually an underlying cause that first instilled this extreme fear in a person, and it often takes place in the early years. Since many of the triggers for phobias occur during early childhood, it’s not uncommon for adults to forget these incidents. That can make tackling the phobia problematic, since if you’re not sure why you’re afraid of something, it’s hard to dispel that fear. Hypnosis treatments have the power to attack phobias in ways other treatments and therapies simply can’t.
Broad Coverage
If you’re in the midst of trying to manage a phobia, there’s a good chance that it’s taking a heavy toll on your life. For many people with phobias of common objects or activities, it can be impossible to live a normal or healthy life. In the United States, some of the most common phobias include arachnophobia (fear of spiders), ophidiophobia (fear of snakes), social phobia (social anxiety), aerophobia (fear of flying), and trypanophobia (fear of injections). It’s common to need to fly, and it’s often required to have injections or vaccinations completed. If you have a phobia of these items, you might really struggle to get by. We can help you.
Enriching Lives
It’s normal to look at a phobia as something to overcome to be able to live a normal life, but it’s worth looking at this from a different angle. Not only will resolving a phobia stop you from suffering in your daily life, but it will actually enrich your life. Perhaps you have a phobia of dogs, but once that phobia is finished, you discover that you actually love dogs. This could lead to an enormously rewarding relationship with a treasured companion.
Controlled Environments
Taking on a phobia can be frightening – there’s no shame in that. We understand just how nervous you might be having a phobia treated, which is why we do everything we can to keep a controlled environment where you feel comfortable and at ease. As is always the case, the comfort, health, and happiness of our customers are the priorities for our team at Virtual Hypnosis in Yakima.