If you've tried to quit but keep going back, hypnosis may be just what you're looking for to give up the habit once and for all.
We help people quit smoking cigarettes, vaping, chewing tobacco, marijuana, and make it easy with hypnosis.
Call for a consultation, and let's get you on the road to kicking that habit for good.
Hypnosis works to help make lasting changes when you are ready to do the work and are determined to finally be free from the habit.
There are so many reasons to quit - Your health will improve, you'll reduce concerns from your family/friends/partner, you'll smell fresh and clean, you'll save so much money AND you'll have the freedom to go about your life enjoying things you'd love to put time and energy into like hobbies or spending time with kids or grandkids, and your confidence will increase as a bonus- look at what all you will have accomplished by quitting!
We work together to get to the root of the problem, and while addressing that underlying issue that keeps you going back- we release the unhealthy habit and replace it with different healthy habits and behaviors. This approach provides relief, makes quitting easy, and keeps a nonsmoker from the dreaded weight gain that may have happened when attempting to quit in the past.
We have two different programs offered for quitting nicotine. If you've tried to quit and have been successful in the past, but recently started again, it's likely you'll do great with our 2-session smoking cessation program.
Sometimes the habit is deeply intertwined with your life, and has been for many years. Perhaps you can't really remember NOT being a smoker, and when you've tried to kick the habit you're moody and emotional. Maybe those areound you wishs you'd just start smoking again because you have become difficult to deal with while trying to quit. In cases like this, the 5PATH® (not 5 sessions) systematic approach will most likely be needed.
Each smoking cessation package with us is customized and considers your unique issues, such as: work and home life stress levels, your habits and behaviors (distractors), and your overall well being and emotional health.
Call or complete the form to schedule a consultation, and let's get you on the road to kicking that habit for good.